tagged nih aku dpt dr 1 web..cam besh jer..ako pon tataw mende nih..alih2 jdik gini..haha..wanna try?? click here..
1. If Beng played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?
erm..mak tiri cinderella ker..ade gaya tuh..haha..
2. What musical instrument would Sue most likely play?
nth dier..ako slalu dgr die melalak mcm2 lagu lar..tataw..haha..
3. Who does Nadiah like?
ermm..walaupon da lame dok dgn dier..ak tataw aper yg die suker..tp plg dier suker McD..ngee~
4. Would you marry Eda?
huh??ape la soklan nih..kak eda pon xmoh dgn aku..haha~
5. Who's Jah dating?
haha..msti la gewe dier..spe nth nme die..da luper..hehe..
6. What would you do without Nanie?
owh..ako x kisahh..haha..tp klo ko xde ako wenduu same kamoo..
7. Describe Rose Nadia in one word.
erm...org yg emo..ngee~ (pndai2 haku jer..)
8. What would you do if Shahril and Azlan were going out?
kua la..akoo x heran pown..korg slalu kua kew..hehe..
9. Azlan is actually Jah in disguise, you know.
kenal pon x..cmne tuh..xpcaye...
10. Who's Izwan dating?
haha..of coz me lar..oppss...
tagged : beng n sue yg slaloo tagged akoo sesuke ati..korg try wt nih..cik nanie yg hepii tuh pon wat skali..letakkan nme akoo skali taw..haha..the rest bule try...gud luck!!~
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komen yang baik2 je taw!
thanks! arigatou! gracias! danke! gamsahabnida!