Saturday, June 09, 2012

Jadual EURO 2012

sekarang kan demam bola..Euro 2012 neh.. so best jugak kalau post jadual kat blog cik balqis nie.. cik balqis sokong siapa? emmm..aaaa..emmm.. tak boleh cakap.. kang kena cantasss dengan Mr Bulat.. maklum la..dia sokong Germany kan.. no komen..lalalala~ ***************************************************************** Jadual EURO 2012 Group A - Poland, Greece ,Russia, Czech Republic Group B - Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Portugal Group C - Spain, Italy, Republic of Ireland, Croatia Group D - Ukraine, Sweden, France, England 8 Jun 2012 11:55pm Poland vs Greece (Group...
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Dapat Iklan Buffered Earning!

baru kejap tadi cik balqis godek2 akaun Nuffnang Malaysia ternampak la 3 iklan Buffered Earning (BE) yang menari2 kat blog.. iklan BE yang pertama: UIP Madagascar 3 memang cik balqis sendiri tunggu movie nie keluar.. sangat la lawak.. n cik balqis sendiri ikut movie nie dari Madagascar 1 and Madagascar 2.. nak tengok jugak kesinambungan love story Melman and Gloria.. nak tengok menjadi ke tak..hehe! iklan BE yang kedua: Digi Samsung Galaxy S3 rasanya smartphone ini yang jadi rebutan sekarang nie kan.. selepas zaman kegemilangan Samsung Galaxy S2 yang gilang gemilang.....
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Friday, June 08, 2012

Saya Budak Comel!

dia tido awal ye hari nie.. sangat pelik bin ajaib ;p ingatkan dia nak layan movie sampai tengah malam.. sekali die tido daa..haiyaa~ so tadi godek2 la blog die bila tengok post entry die.. cik balqis sangat la happy! he said cik balqis comel! "oh my english!" (die selalu sebut untuk replace of oh my god) this is the first time he said to me like that.. even not from his mouth la.. (i'm very happy if he said from his mouth..tapi impossible la kan!) seriously tak tidur malam la cik balqis malam nie.. (hehe!) this abang dobi is mine..siapa...
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Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Day 4 - Benda yang Anda Buat Bila Sorang-sorang

*comel puppy nie!* bila cik balqis sorang-sorang or alone~ emm..selalu dah sorang2 kat umah sewa.. dah biasa aper~ ;p tapi aktiviti yang dibuat kalau sorang2 kat umah ye emm.. *dah takda jawapan lain neh* itu jela aktiviti kat umah.. (^v^)v kalau online ape benda yang cik balqis bukak ye? tak pon kan.. cik balqis main game je kat lappy.. *jangan main sampai terbakar suda~* tak pon kan.. tidur jelaa.. haha.. kalau da bosan sangat.. start enjin kete.. vroomm..vroomm jelaa  (^_^)v p/s: kalau sorang2 kacau dia memang faveret!...
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Sunday, June 03, 2012

One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

Suka cik balqis layan lagu nie petang2 camnie.. boleh perasan kejap.. rasa semangat sebab perasan chantek..haha! please laa..jangan perasan lebih2 yer! takpe2..cik balqis tak beautiful pon..chumel je.. kan3! (^_^)v "What Makes You Beautiful" [Verse 1][Liam]You're insecure,Don't know what for,You're turning heads when you walk through the door,Don't need make-up, To cover up,Being the way that you are is enough,[Bridge][Harry]Everyone else in the room can see it,Everyone else but you,[Chorus][All]Baby you light up my world like nobody else,The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,But...
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Day 3 - Benda Yang Selalu Anda Buat Sebelum Tidur

*disebabkan cik balqis comel macam letak la gambar garfield..sila telan balik muntah anda ok* so dah lama sangat tak sambung challenge blog nie yer! ape tak nye..busy mengalahkan PM..kononnye..hakhak! but now sekarang nie cuti sekolah! boleh la tengok2 blog kan! yeay! back to the topic.. apa benda yang selalu dilakukan sebelum tidur ye.. em.. 1. kemas2 barang nak dibawa ke sekolah..kemas buku..kemas laptop..simpan semua buku2 rujukan..kemas2 port kerja.. 2. pergi tandas buat aktiviti wajib..basuh muka, gosok gigi, etc..hikhik! 3. lepas tu..pergi belek...
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