Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Tips for SPM Chemistry 2011

SPM Chemistry 2011 – Tips and Predictions for Papers 4541/1, 4541/2 and 4541/3

Paper 1 (SPM 2011)

Form 4 Syllabus
  • Chapter 2 The Structure of the Atom
  • Chapter 3 Chemical Formulae and Equations
  • Chapter 6* Electrochemistry
  • Chapter 7* Acids and Bases
  • Chapter 8* Salts
  • Chapter 9 Manufactured substances in Industry
Form 5 Syllabus
  • Chapter 1* Rate of reaction
  • Chapter 2* Carbon compounds
  • Chapter 3 Oxidation and Reduction
  • Chapter 4* Thermochemistry
  • Chapter 5 Chemicals for Consumers
* Important Topic
Not important
  • Chapter 1 (F4) Introduction to Chemistry
Paper 2 (SPM 2011)
Form 4 Syllabus
  • Chapter 2 *The Structure of the Atom (SPM 2010 – Section A)
  • Chapter 3 *Chemical Formulae and Equations (SPM 2010 – Section A & B)
  • Chapter **4 *Periodic Table of Elements (SPM 2010 – Section A)
  • Chapter 5 *Chemical Bonds (SPM 2010 – Section A)
  • Chapter **6 Electrochemistry (SPM 2010 – Section A & C)
  • Chapter 7 Acids and Bases (SPM 2010 – Section A)
  • Chapter **9 Manufactured substances in Industry
Form 5 Syllabus
  • Chapter 1 *Rate of reaction (SPM 2010 – Section B)
  • Chapter 2 Carbon compounds (SPM 2010 – Section B)
  • Chapter **3 *Oxidation and Reduction
  • Chapter **4 Thermochemistry (SPM 2010 – Section C)
  • Chapter **5 Chemicals for consumers (SPM 2010 – Section B)
* Important Topics (every year)
** SPM 2011 hot topics
Paper 3 (SPM 2011)
Form 4 Syllabus
  • Chapter 4 Periodic Table of Elements (SPM 2010)
  • Chapter ** 6  Electrochemistry* (Frequency in SPM = 2)
  • Chapter 7 Acids and Bases* (SPM 2010) (Frequency in SPM = 4)
  • Chapter 8 Salts
  • Chapter 9 Manufactured Substances in Industry (Frequency in SPM  = 2)
Form 5 Syllabus
  • Chapter 1 Rate of Reaction* (SPM 2010) (Frequency in SPM = 3)
  • Chapter **3 Oxidation and Reduction* (Frequency in SPM = 4)
  • Chapter **4 Thermochemistry (Frequency in SPM = 2)
* Frequently asked in SPM since 2003 until 2010
** SPM 2011 hot topics
so study for this tips..and gud luck in final exam of chemistry paper!
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Scoring 1A in SPM Chemistry

tak lama lagi dah nak SPM kan..apa persediaan anda? hoho~~

ada 1 artikel nak dikongsi untuk menaikkan semangat semua pelajar yang bakal menduduki SPM tak lama lagi..
so lets read together!

A reader, Lix asked how to score in SPM Chemistry at Malaysia Students Forum (powered by Google Groups) so I write this post with the hope that Lix and other readers will benefit from it. I assume her to be a form 5 student this year since she mentioned the word ‘Kimia’ in her post. For your information, form five year 2006 is the last batch of secondary school students studying Science and Mathematics subjects in Malay.

Let me start this post with my own experience in SPM Chemistry from grade 4C to 1A. Last year, I scored 4C in Chemistry in my mid year examination. I didn’t even know how to write a correct chemical equation. I started worrying that I might get bad result in SPM Chemistry. From that moment, I studied very hard and finally scored 1A in SPM Chemistry. You should start revising each and every chapter in the syllabus now. How? Follow these tips:
  • Master basic but important concepts
  • Memorize important facts and processes
  • Practise past-year SPM papers
  • Practise all trial papers

Master basic but important concepts – You must at least know how to write correct chemical equation, do simple calculation and understand basic chemical concept likes Mole Concept. Note that there are only a few types of calculations in Chemistry compared to Physics so please master all the calculations. Try to learn them yourselves reading the reference books first. If you really couldn’t understand them, you should seek help from your class or tuition teacher.

Memorize important facts and processes – Memorize the colours of chemical substances, understand the salt preparation process… It works effectively although some might argue that memorizing facts is the wrong way of learning. I personally agree that you can surely get a 1A in SPM Chemistry if you could memorize all the facts. However, I strongly recommend you to understand each concept and fact before you start memorizing them. Learning Chemistry becomes more exciting and enjoyable using this method.

Practise past-year SPM papers – Past-year SPM questions will repeat from time to time because of the limited scope covered in SPM Chemistry syllabus. This is no secret that most SPM candidates realize it. Practice makes perfect. Try every question and learn from your mistakes. For essay questions, get the marking schema from your teachers so that you can see how the marks are allocated and which points or keywords deserve full mark, etc. Learning from the essay marking schemas is a highly effective method!

Practise all trial papers – After SPM trial examinations, try to get other states’ SPM trial papers and practise them. Try Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) SPM trial papers too! You can either exchange SPM trial papers with your friends from other states or get them online through certain websites. I was lucky because my Chemistry teacher collected other states’ SPM trial papers for us last year. Sometimes, one or more exact or similar questions will come out in the actual SPM Chemistry paper. SPM question leaks do happen every year.

In conclusion, you have to study and understand every chapter carefully. Believe me, you won get 1A if you have read only a few topics and focus on only certain chemical concepts. Like it or not, read-understand-memorize all topics is the only way to guarantee a 1A in SPM Chemistry.

Update: There is a very useful message posted by a reader at Malaysia Students Forum, sharing his/her personal experience on the topic 'How to Score Well in SPM Chemistry’. It is certainly worth a good read!

BooNBoX wrote,

You know what, there's an old legend in secondary school. Normally you hear this story when you are about to enter Form 4.

"Bio, Physics, Chemistry... the difference between these three pure science subjects is that, all three require different brain usage in a different percentage... In Biology, where you need 75% of MEMORIZING skill and 25% UNDERSTANDING of your text. Mean while for Physics, it's the other way round where you need only 25% MEMORIZING skill (my friend derives the formulae other than memorizes it!!) and 75% understanding. Chemistry is some way in the middle and should be the easy for all ... ... you need half memory and half understanding, i.e. you are not only memorize the formulae and concept, you need to apply them as well ..."

To be honest, for the first monthly test in my chemistry, i was about to fail ... ... i did even know how to get the numbers of atoms in a mole of oxygen gas ... ... becoz I couldn't see the concept and i did understand it... i could not imagine the concept... so.. the most important thing is .. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THE CONCEPT...

then... you learn the basic, how to balance an equation... this is the most basic AND useful skill in chemistry... even in STPM, sometimes you really scratching your head til bleeding but still couldn't figure out the meaning and the question... all you need to do is to balance the equation and you will get the concept for that particular situation/condition... then you are half way to the answer...

the question is .. HOW TO LEARN TO BALANCE THE EQUATION ?? well... ... this is different for every individual... it's more or less like Maths... ... someone good in Maths (and understand what is Maths) could normally do better in balancing the equation... ... just take it as a simple Maths equation and maybe you will get a clearer picture ... ... break the molecules into simple element... ... ... take it simple and think simple .. then it will be...

HOW TO SCORE OK (WELL MAYBE) IN CHEMISTRY ... the most important key is ... ... go through every chapter and learn the basic concept... then... understand its concept but doing some practice questions ... ... doing questions will let you know how to apply this concept ... ...

e.g. : you study about thermochemistry... you know it's about heat produced/asorbed in a chemical reaction... ... but you won't be able to do the questions if you never done it before ... ... becoz you don't know how to apply the concept !

With the concepts in your mind... you should be able to do most questions ... but ... what if you want to do ALL QUESTIONS ??

HOW TO SCORE WELL IN CHEMISTRY then comes in your memorizing skill ... ... you need to memorize examples... ... you need to memorize the colours of elements... ... formulae... ...

you probably know about daniel cell... how to draw the cell and know which way the current going around the circuit... ... but if the question ask you to give an example ??? what if the questions asking you to build an experiment to know what element contain in an unknown substances ??

so to score very well, you will need this.

that's all i wanted to tell you all based on my personal experience. Some might feel not comfortable with my way, I understand that becoz i believe every individual got its own way to excel. Hopefully you can benefits the best from my opinion other than following it blindly.

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Friday, August 05, 2011

Movie: Sekali Lagi

cinta itu milik kita..

sangat la best cerita nie..
walaupun terlambat sikit tengok cerita nie..
tapi cik balqis dah tengok!
syahdu sungguh ceritanya..

rugi tak tengok!
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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mohd Ashraf Hafiz Abdul Aziz meninggal dunia

KUALA TERENGGANU, 30 Julai  Mohd Ashraf Hafiz Abdul Aziz, yang gagal dalam permohonan menukar namanya kepada Aleesha Farhana, meninggal dunia ketika dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, di sini, 5 pagi.

doktor mengesahkan arwah mengalami serangan jantung yang tidak stabil atau ”unstable angina with cardiogenic shock”.

KUALA TERENGGANU, 31 Julai pihak keluarga juga akur dengan keputusan mahkamah dan telah bersetuju untuk menguruskan serta mengebumikan jasad arwah sebagai Ashraf dan bukannya Aleesya Farhana.


sumber: kosmo!

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Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak!

(⁀‵⁀) ✫ ✫ ✫.
☻/˚ * ˚ ˚˚ ˛*˛° 。* ° ˚ *˚ .
/ \ ˚. ˛ ˚ 。˚ ˚* ˛˚ 。˚* ˚ ˚ 。 * ˚♥♥

selamat berpuasa kepada semua warga blogger yang mengenali cik balqis!
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


p/s: sangat la chumel!!~~
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Friday, July 22, 2011

Guru mengaku sentuh leher a.k.a. Cabul!

wow..mule dahhh...apa la nak jadi pada orang zaman sekarang nie..tak pasal2 nama guru yang rosak..lama2 ibubapa dah tak percaya kepada guru pulak nanti..sebab takut nak hantar anak diorang kat sekolah sebab kes2 macam ini..nanti ramai laa yang hantar ke sekolah lelaki..sekolah perempuan..sekolah harian, asrama semua dah tak laku...hehe!

AMPANG JAYA – Ketua guru disiplin, Ismazi@Megat Ismazi Ismail didakwa mengaku ada menyentuh bahagian leher 11 pelajar perempuan yang tidak menghadiri perhimpunan sekolah pada pagi 25 Februari lalu.
Namun ia dinafikan oleh semua mangsa yang menuduh guru berkenaan berbohong kerana tertuduh didakwa turut menyentuh buah dada mereka.
Demikian diberitahu oleh saksi, Ricky Toong Foo Weng, 25, semasa menyambung pemeriksaan utama oleh Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Suzana Abdul Latiff dalam perbicaraan Ismazi@Megat Ismazi, 48, yang didakwa mencabul 11 orang pelajar perempuan di sebuah sekolah menengah di sini.
Kejadian itu didakwa berlaku di dalam bilik guru disiplin antara pukul 7.30 hingga 8.30 pagi pada 25 Februari lalu.
Difahamkan perbuatan cabul itu berlaku ketika 11 pelajar itu tidak hadir perhimpunan.
Tertuduh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang membawa hukuman penjara maksimum 10 tahun, denda atau sebat atau mana-mana hukuman itu jika disabit kesalahan.
Terdahulu, saksi berkata, tiga hari selepas kejadian, pihak sekolah mengadakan mesyuarat antara tertuduh, Pengerusi Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG), ibu bapa dan 11 mangsa bagi mencari penyelesaian
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lawak Sekolah

Ajoi mendapat kerja sebagai guru sandaran di sebuah sekolah di Selatan tanah air.  

Selepas memperkenalkan diri, dia menyemak nama murid - murid darjah 3 Raya dan merasa agak pelik semasa membaca nama seorang murid, iaitu “W.TAUFIK WWW”.  

Kemudian guru tersebut menanyakan perkara tersebut.

Cikgu Ajoi : “Cikgu nak tahu, siapa yang bernama W.TAUFIK WWW ?”.  

Taufik : “Saya Cikgu…” (Taufik menjawab & berdiri). 

Cikgu Ajoi : “Taufik, saya ingin tahu nama panjang kamu apa?”.

Taufik : “Maaf Cikgu Ajoi, panjang sangat..”.

Cikgu Ajoi : “Takpe - takpe Taufik,cakap jer..”

Taufik : “Baik Cikgu , nama penuh saya ialah…Wabillahi TAUFIK - wal hidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh…"

Cikgu Ajoi menarik nafas panjang dan terdiam.  

Setelah dari darjah 3 Raya, Cikgu Ajoi kemudian masuk ke darjah 1 Mawar dan menyemak nama murid - murid. 

Mata Cikgu Ajoi tertuju pada 1 nama yang unik iaitu “BKBKBDB DIAN”.  

Kemudian Cikgu Ajoi menanyakan siapa muridnya yang mempunyai nama tersebut.  

Berdirilah seorang murid dan menjawab “saya DIAN Cikgu…”.

Semasa Cikgu Ajoi melihat wajah murid itu seiras muka Taufik darjah 3 Raya.

Cikgu Ajoi : “Dian ada abang di sekolah ini?”

Dian : “Ya Cikgu,nama dia TAUFIK.Abang saya darjah 3"

Cikgu Ajoi : “Saya ingin tahu nama panjang Dian apa pulak?"

Dian : “Baik Cikgu, nama panjang saya ialah… Berakit - rakit Ke hulu Berenang - renang Ke tepian, Bersakit - sakit Dahulu Bersenang - senang kemu DIAN

Cikgu Ajoi :@$%&#^% __._,_.___

p/s: nasib baik laa cik balqis tidak mengalaminya lagi..haha~
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Mohd Ashraf Hafiz a.k.a Aleesha Farhana

"lelaki yang ingin menukar namanya kepada nama perempuan"
rasanya seluruh Malaysia dah tahu..
seorang lelaki ingin menukar ic nya kepada nama perempuan..
dan menampilkan dirinya sebagai perempuan di mahkamah..

bila cik balqis tengok..
sangat la chantek..
kalah cik balqis kowt . .

rasanya ramai yang dah tengok gambar nie kan..

cik balqis dok google laa
nak cari gambar dia masa "lelaki"
tapi tak jumpa pun..
gambar dia "mengancam" adalahh..

ada lagi gambar dia..
tapi tak sanggup pulak nak tayang..

nasib baik mahkamah tak luluskan kan..
kalau tak nanti berlambak pulak yang nak tukar nama, jantina, bla bla..


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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

the best thing in my life

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars On Earth)

(mode: sedih)
ini adalah sebuah cerita hindi..
sangat2 menarik dan menyentuh kalbu..
khas untuk semua para guru @ pendidik di malaysia ye..

balqis tgk cerita ini pun boleh meleleh air mata tau..
bukan cerita cintan cintun macam Shah Rukh Khan punya tuu..
nie lain sangat2..banyak bedanya..

cerita ini berkisar tentang seorang guru tanpa mengenal erti penat lelah dan sanggup berkorban masa dan tenaga untuk mendidik seorang pelajar yang mengalami masalah membaca, menulis dan mengira (3M)..
paling tepat lagi "Dyslexia"
nak tahu lebih lanjut sila ke laman Wikipedia..

kalau la semua guru di malaysia macam Aamir Khan..
rasanya maju lah Malaysia ye..

insyaAllah balqis akan menjadi guru seperti Aamir Khan..
tapi bila masuk kelas hujung2 yang ada pelajar tak tahu membaca menulis tu..
agak sebal sikit sebab diorang memang tak nak belajar..
payah betul rasanya..
kita ikhlas nak tolong..tapi lain jadinya..
sampai sekarang balqis mencari cara untuk menarik minat mereka untuk belajar..
insyaAllah ada caranya..

sesiapa yang nak tonton cerita ini..
boleh la tonton youtube di bawah ini..
selamat menonton!

p/s: sangat la comel Darsheel Safary nie..pandai dia berlakon..i like!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


testing jerr..
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wordless wednesday # 1 I accessories

senyap je k..hehe!

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Thursday, June 02, 2011

school holiday!

sudah lama tak jenguk cik blog saya nie kan..
entah2 dah merajok~

lepas nie boleh la update ye..
kan cuti sekolah..
boleh la layan blog semula..

so adik2 yang bercuti tu..
apa yang korang buat yee..
cikgu dah banyak bagi latihan kann..
macam sekolah tempat balqis mengajar tu..
setiap student kena diberi latihan untuk setiap subjek..
untuk sains..kena sediakan 2 set soalan untuk Tingkatan 1, 2 dan 4..
dan 3 set soalan untuk Tingkatna 3 dan 5..
so..sila la buat yee..

apa yang adik2 nak buat tu..
fikir la seelok-eloknya iyee
harap2 adik dapat manfaatkan cuti sekolah ini yee..

macam cik balqis..
cuti nie nak rehat sepuas2nya!
sebab selama nie tak cukup rehat..
hari nie baru balik kampung..sedangkan cuti sekolah start dari hari sabtu lepas lagi kan..
apa nasib badan kan..
ada kelas tambahan untuk budak2 PMR dan SPM..

so happy holiday kepada semua guru2 di malaysia..
rehat2 la secukupnye!

p/s: selamat pengantin baru kepada Dr Allia Najmie yang bakal bernikah pada hari Jumaat nie..entah dapat datang ke tak..sedihh (T_T)
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

manyak PENING!!

rasanya dah lama cik balqis tak update blog..
kan kan kan!!
busy lerrr..sumpah takda masa..
masa untuk diri sendiri takde..
masa untuk siapkan kerja..
masa untuk facebook..
masa untuk blogger..
entah2 u all da lame lupakan i tak~~

nak story mory niee..
cik balqis kan guru penasihat kadet polis..
pening jugak mak aihh..
latih budak2 kawad pun tak berapa ok lagi..
formasi semua tunggang langgang..
pompuan pulak yang berkawad tuh..
sedih lagii

next week on 3 Mei 2011 ada Pertandingan Kawad Kaki peringkat daerah..
di SMK Bukit Jalor..
ok laa..tak la jauh sangat kan dari sekolah..
tapi cik balqis xdpt join..
sebab hantar budak ke Karnival Sains dan Teknologi (KASTEK)..
hantar wakil saintis muda..
entah menang ke tidak..hoho!

tapi yang menjadi masalah sekarang nie..
tempahan baju uniform kadet polis tuuu..
adalah satu kedai nie..
dah buat quotation dahh.
dah order kuantiti nak berapa banyakk..
boleh plak tadi call cakap tak ada stok..
ape pasai xckp awal2??
tak ke menyusahkan kami je..
hari tu cakap ada..cukupp..
bila nk bagi kuantiti tak da pulak..
memang hampeh ini kedai..
melayu pulak tu!
kita nie nak tolong orang melayu..
tapi jadi lain plak kan!

sekarang nie tengah serabut..
nak cari kedai lain dah tak tahu tempat daa..
tengok jela esok macam mana..
memang sadisss

p/s: rasa macam nak tulis je apa perkembangan cik balqis kat sekolah tiap2 hari kat blog nie..
nanti nak cerita la kereta cik balqis kena calar balar dek student sengal~~

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Monday, March 14, 2011

:: Fashion Filem yana mengagumkan! ::

semalam tengok Zee TV..
ada 1 movie hindustan..
hindustan ye..bukan english..
bosan jugak asyik filem english je kan..hehe..

ok..back to the story..
filem Fashion terbitan 2008 nie memang sangat la banyak moral value..
orang yang berjaya jangan la sombong dan bongkak diri..
kelak akan memakan diri..
cerita nie kisah seorang gadis kampung yang datang ke bandar untuk menjadi supermodel..
bila dah berjaya..dia lupa pada diri..
kemudian popularitinya jatuh disebabkan pengaruh dadah dan arak..
bila dah hilang semangat diri..
ayahnya bantu dia untuk bangun semula dari kegagalan..
dan akhirnya dia berjaya kembali..

so cerita nie boleh dijadikan pengajaran..
cik balqis tengok cerita nie sampai habis coz nak tahu apa kisah selanjutnya..
nak tahu macam mana ceritanya?
sila baca sinopsis kat link bawah nie:

pelakon dia ialah Priyanka Chopra..
the most beautiful woman in bollywood..
dalam filem nie semua costume yang dipakai oleh Priyanka Chopra cantik2 jee..
jelesnye jadi orang yang cantik nie kan..hehe..

File:Fashion film.jpg

File:Fashion new 2.jpg

opps..yang ternganga tu sila la tutup mulut ye..
so sila la cari movie ini dan tonton..
gerenti tak menyesal~~

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kursus Pegawai Kanan Kadet Polis

pada 28 feb - 4 mac 2011 yang lalu balqis g kursus taw!
bertempat di Ibupejabat Polis Kontijen (IPK) Negeri Sembilan di Sekolah Latihan IPK Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. 
baru posting da dapat kursus yang pertama!
hebat tak?
(padahal terpaksa coz cikgu2 senior semua mengelat takmo pegi..huhu~)

kursus kadet polis untuk pegawai2 kanan kadet polis
cik balqis jadik Inspektor taw!
jangan tak percaya!

tapi Inspektor Kadet jelaa..
cik balqis merasa jugak ape menjadi inspektor
kehidupan sebagai polis..

masa kursus tuh..
takde peluang untuk berehat!


6.30 pagi : terpacak di tapak kawad untuk berkawad sampai pukul 9 pagi
9.30 pagi : pergi ke IPK Seremban untuk sesi kuliah..jalan kaki woo..dengar ceramah sampai tertidur2..
12.30 tghari : makan + solat + rehat kejap jee..
1.30 tghari : pegi IPK balik..sesi kuliah petang pulakk..
4.00 ptg : balek kuarters semula..rehat + solat
5.00 ptg : senamrobik..actually agak seronok..xde la stress..
7.00 mlm : pergi surau + ceramah agama
9.00 malam : kawad kaki..coz cikgu2 nie dah lama xberkawad..da kawad la sampai malam iaitu 11 malam.

balik dorm pengsan tak hengat dunia..hoho..

selama seminggu tu la rutin harian cik balqis..
mau tak penat..
balik2 memang tido tak hengat laa..
kaki sampai melecet taw
kena pakai full shoes
kasut kawad..
sakit woo..

dalam banyak2 sesi..
paling best sekali main menatang atas nie..
namanya T-Baton..
kalau sape yang polis tu tau la kan gunanya..
ayah balqis pon tak penah guna..
anak dia da rasa dulu..hehe!

so far ok la kursus nie walaupun terpaksa pergi..
sebab dapat jumpa kawan2 baru..
yang pergi pun ramai jugak guru2 baru..
so secara automatik dapat kawan2 baru kan..

so sekarang nie tak sabar nak tunggu tauliah hujung bulan nie..
jumpa lagi kawan2 sama platun yer..

lain kali nak pergi lagi tak?
nakkk..tapi tak nak kawad!!

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Monday, February 21, 2011

the FaceBlog

maybe dah rata2 yang tahu
tentang kewujudan faceblog nie..
bagi balqis its ok..chomel je layout dier..
dah la kaler pink..kiut la!
dan paling ok nye..boleh berkawan dengan blogger2 lain
tabik buat faceblog..
selagi boleh mengumpul para blogger2 seluruh malaysia kan..
boleh juga mengeratkan silaturrahim antara sesama blogger..

so ada kata2 aluan dari admin faceblog



nak ke faceblog sila klik banner kat atas neh!
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