Friday, March 19, 2010

:: to my frens ::

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:: sebelum n selepas kahwin ::

(sebelum kahwin)
C = cubit kiri, kanan rasa.
I = impian indah ibarat syurga.
N = nikah impian utama.
T = taat setia membawa bahagia.
A = awal dan akhir bersama-sama

(selepas kahwin)
C = cuka yang dituang pada luka.
I = iblis yang merosak minda.
N = nafsu semata-mata.
T = tuba yang dibalas semula.
A = api dalam neraka.

(sebelum kahwin)
K = kongsi semua suka duka.
A = abang adik, ayang anja.
S = sumpah janji di bibir sentiasa.
I = istana bahagia dah dicipta.
H = hatiku hatimu jua.

(selepas kahwin)
K = kaki tangan naik kat kepala.
A = abuk pun tara, nak makan apa??
S = simpati langsung tak ada.
I = ironi membakar jiwa.
H = hidup mati sama je.

(sebelum kahwin)
S = sikit-sikit SORRY, sikit-sikit SORRY, mengada!
A = asal free mesti nak jumpa.
Y = you lap me, I lap you!
A = apa saja sanggup diduga.
N = nak itu, nak ini... mesti dapat.
G = gula-gula, coklat, teddy bear hadiah utama.

(selepas kahwin)
S = salah sikit kiamat dunia.
A = air tak sedap, basahlah mata.
Y = yang betul dia je.
A = ada takde, bagi anak reti la.
N = nak dilawan, digelar derhaka.
G = gaduh sampai lebam.

HATI :(sebelum kahwin)
H = hanya dikau yang daku cinta.
A = air paip pun manis macam gula.
T = tak jumpa sehari boleh jadi gila.
I = igauan indah tak terkira.

(selepas kahwin)
H = hantu jembalang lagi sempurna.
A = air mata jadi teman setia.
T = tempat mengadu dah tak ada.
I = ikut hati mati, ikut rasa binasa...

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

:: update mse cuti ::

mse cuti neh..
mcm2 yg blaku..

biarkan la~~

mggu cuti neh lgsg xde wt ape2 lgi..
nk wt nota utk bdk2 pon blom lgi..wahaha..
mls yg amat sehh..

skrg ak dilanda wabak selsema..
bkn H1N1 ye en saiful akhmar..
suke suki die jer..
uhuk uhuk
mmg benci klo slsema..
xbule tdo..

owh..psl F1 plak..
michael schumacher kgemaran kedua2 adeqku yg bengong2 telah kalah pd alonso
gelak besaq den..
alonso di tmpt ptame..schuey tmpt ke 6..
yela..schuey kn da la can org muda menang..
ak xde sokong saper2..

psl AF8 plak..
da stat pd sabtu lps mse konsert tirai..
ak pon xde wt ape2 nengok la calon2nye..
so far xdek yg ensem..
tp layann jer..

ahd nie ak akn balek smula ke sg buloh utk mneruskn prjuangan ssbg pndidik
bdepan dgn bdk2 SMKBBSB..
bdk form 1 harmoni n 1 jaya..
jgn la dera mental chegu je..
lbih2 lgi chegu demam nie..
nnt bad mood jer dlm kelas..

wish me to get well soon..
mmg xsuker demam..

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Friday, March 12, 2010

:: ujian bulanan 1 SMKBBSB ::

this week is an examination week in my school
(tetibe speaking plak!)
so..kitorg guru prktikel pon tlibat dlm menjaga bdk2 amik pekse..

sungguh busan mggu ini ye..
rse cm nk tdo pon ader..
sungguh busan..n mletihkan..

siap bule tgkap gmba lgi..

nie la keje ak mse jge diorg neh..tgkp gmba..haha..mne diorg taw..hehe~~

n ari neh..exam sains dak2 form 1 jgk..lps exam tuh teros dpt paper utk ditanda
n ak bru je abes tnda pd jam 2.20 pgi tdi utk kedua2 kelasku..
n resultnye mmg xmemuaskn ati!
mmg rse tension jgk ah!
ak rse ak straight sgt bg markah kot..
sok bru la nk bncg dgn guru pmbimbing cre nk bg markah..

n ari sabtu ak akn brgkat ke PD..
akhirnya cuti la penggal selama smgguu!!

ayuk2 tdo..ngntuk da..
mau peluk yg chumel nie la..

chumel ajk tdo..

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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

:: bahan kimia yg plg dangerous!! ::

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Monday, March 08, 2010

:: tAg ::

lamer jgk den xjwb tag2 neh..tdi dok lyn blog org..ader tag kiter pon copy n paste..hehe..layann..

Bold the statements that ARE true to you. Italicize the statements that you WISH were true. Leave the fibs alone. Then, tag 5 people to do the same test.
* 170 cm tall (aku 165 cm jer..xsmpai agi..n xmgkin tcapai..haha)
* I don’t know what I want at the moment. (betol! xtau mau jdi chegu ke x..wahaha..)
* I’m not happy. (aku hepi orgnyer..)
* I hate my friends. (ishk2..mne ader)
* I hate my life. (xde la smpai cm2 skali..huhu)
* I hate my grades. (grades? zmn dlu2 bule la..haha)
* I can drive. (xdok lesen agi..haha~)
* I’m bored of driving. (xtry lgi)
* I have a white handbag. (ader2..hehe)
* I love dancing. ( xtnjuk la..malu3)
* I go clubbing every week. (msuk pon xpenahh)
* Shopping is bullshit.(plg suker shoping la!)
* I have a tattoo of a star. (no no no)
* I got my navel pierced. (no no no)
* I have friends that take drugs. (stahu ak xde la..ade ker.haha)
* 90% of my friends smoke. (emm..yg laki la kot..pompuan xdek!)
* I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty. (hishh! xkua da..ptus hbgn!)
* I’m studying Fashion. (oh tidak..stdy chemistry..hepi2 chemistry..hehe)
* I have a business running.(tidak jugak)
* I hate cartoons (plg suker katon la..hehe!)
* I hate someone. (emm..ade la sum1 tuh)
* I have 10 Lollipops handbags. (hishh! xde2)
* I buy CLEO every month. (nehii)
* My parents don’t know about my blog. (betol2..wahahaha)
* I have an iPod. (xde jgk)
* I don’t have faith in the current “one”. (huh!)
* My school mates know about my blog. (yep2!!)
* I wanted to be a fashion designer. (xde kreativiti ler)
* I love rock emo bands. (suker jgk la)
* I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.(betol2..mnyusahkn org jer!)

* I’m a rebel.
* I don’t believe in love. (believe! tp di mne kah?)
* High school's filled with drama. (xde la..sumenye betol2 blaka)
* My parents have faith in me. (yep2)
* I’ve bought shoes this month. (betol2..kasut sukan..hehe!)
* A blogger bitched about me before. (ader sorg bdk tuh..geram sehh!)
* I hate sports. (suker la!)
* I heart Italian food. (mkn jgk!)
* I hate meeting new people. (xde la..xkesah)
* I hate nail polish. (xde la benci mne ponn)
* The mother bear gives me hugs. (hmmm)
* People should start appreciating me. (betol3!)
* High school was the worst time of my life. (xdela..da best time!)
* I have red hair. (xlah!)
* One Utama is my second home. (pegi pon x..hehe)
* I’m a guy. (i'm a gurl ler)
* I’m scared of my Biology result exam which I’m going to face someday tomorrow. (da lepas da!)
* I hate vacations. (plg suker!)
* We’ll last (?)
* I believe in long distance relationships. (betol2..)
* I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon. (tidak!!)
* I’ve robbed an old lady. (belum lgi..haha)
* I’m starting to like applying make-up. (da apply da!)
* I was a tomboy. (kdg2 tpikir dlu..)
* At times I think I still am a tomboy. (yela..rse2nye la)
* I love bitching about people behind their backs (oh tidak)
* I still have a best friend. (ader2..cayang kamu!)
* I have a cat. (mestii la! ak kn mak kuceng)
* I hate surprise parties. (suker la..haha)
* I hate planning parties. (bgus la plan..plan party utk org len la)
* I’m hot. (yeah!) 
* I’m a sinner. (betul2..insaf)
* I’ve got a DS light.
* I have a Wii.
* I cant live without music. (yep!)
* Video games are a waste of time. (plg suker! wahaha)
* I miss the father bear. (huhu)
* I love being in love. (mesti la..ehem2!)
* I know how to cook. (of coz la!)
* I have 100% freedom. (xla jgk..)
* Boys are assholes. (no komen!)
* I hate Math. (suker ape)
* I’m happy with what I have. (yep..hepi2)
* I love horror films. (suker jgk!)
* I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid. (xla..dr kecik tdo sndrik2)
* My old friends keep in touch with me. (yepp..still!)
* I don’t read newspapers. (coz kdg2 ak bce on9 newspaper..haha)
* The news is such a waste of time. (eh..xde la)
* Blogging is a waste of time. (oh tidak!)
* I hate animals. (suker!)
* I can’t live without make-up. (tidak jgk!)
* I curse like a pirate. (tak2)
* I’m happy with my 11 year old car. (xde kete lgi pon)
* I hate people that are smart. (mne ader..xdegki pon)
* I love Orange juice. (suker..sunquick)
* I can’t drink for nuts.
* I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity. (xsume)
* I’ve got a new phone. (still hp lame lgi)
* I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month. (xde duit ler)
* I love swimming. (reti half2 jer)
* I haven’t worked out since March. (tgh keje la nehh)
* I think I’m fat (bkn think jer..rsenye iye la kot..haha)
* I love my friends and family. (of coz la!)

sumenye yg nk try tag neh try la..xkesahh..ak mngetag pada kamu sume!
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